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***VIEWER DISCRETION*** [Play your part] Message to the World from Behrain - All Languages

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***VIEWER DISCRETION*** [Play Your Part] Message To The World From Behrain - All Languages
message from Bahrain
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BE ALERT: Bahrain is burning with the blood flowing from the living bodies of the Muslim ...



Respectfully, its not about being Shia or Sunni, Some of those martyred in Bahrain were Sunni Brothers. Its about oppressors and opressed ones. We are with all oppressed of the world



Bahrain has 99.9% Shia Mominin Population. But a group of Yazidis are ruling over these mominin. These Yazidis are killing innocents. We support mominin of Bahrain for their legal and genuine rights!



Bismillah Ar Rehman Ner Raheem,

May Allah Subhan curse the Zalameen of our times and give us courage to stand against the Tyrants of our time. Ya Allah send our Master among us.



All people of conscience, raise your voice against the tyrrant "powers" of the world. Play your part & wait for Imam Mahdi (a.s) to come and install the justice system of Allah on this planet.